

3.- Pronunciación de “th”

225.- Peaks and troughs. Profesor

volver a dictados BBC2 Profesor Peaks and troughs   Introduction Ever felt like you’re on the rollercoaster of life and you …

224.- Read the room. Profesor

   volver a dictados BBC2 Profesor   Read the room   Introduction Here’s a phrase that means to work out how …

225.- Peaks and troughs

volver a Dictados BBC2

224.- Read the room

volver a Dictados BBC2

223.- Take the wheel. Profesor

volver a dictados BBC2 Profesor   Take the wheel   Introduction This expression is all about being in control. Learn about …

223.- Take the wheel

volver a Dictados BBC2

222.- I don´t buy it. Profesor

volver a dictados BBC2 Profesor  I don´t buy it Introduction Some things are just really hard to believe. Here’s an expression …