SOLUCIONES 46:Imperfecto de indicativo 9. C1

Imperfecto de indicativo 9. C1


¿ Qué hacían? En español.


  1. Ana would buy chocolates every Saturday evening. _________________________


  1. I used to write postcards. __________________________


  1. She used to swim . ________________________________


  1. You (Vd.) would call often. _________________________


  1. You (Vds) and I would work for the same company. _______________________


  1. They used to go to the library. ______________________


  1. You ( tú) would always help.________________________


  1. Louise and you (tú) would safe up money to move in together. _______________



605 337 239
Luis Vives, 10
Espacio THEMAN
L9 Cruz del rayo
L4 Prosperidad