Translate these sentences
1. Hoy es martes;
2. ¿Qué hora es? Son las 7 de la tarde;
3. ¿De dónde eres?;
4. Soy de España;
5. ¿Dónde estás?;
6. Estoy en casa;
7. ¿A que te dedicas?;
8. Soy profesora y mi marido es médico;
9. ¿Dónde está el coche rojo?;
10. Esta es una película muy aburrida;
11. Mi mujer está con mis hijos;
12. Tulsa es una ciudad;
13. Mi móvil está en la mesa;
14. Está delante de mí (ella);
15 ¿Quién está allí?;
16. ¿Quién es esa persona?;
17. Su coche es azul (de él);
18. Su casa (de ellos) es grande;
18. b ¿De qué color es?;
18. c Es blanca;
19. ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas aquí?;
20. Tienes hermanos?;
21. Tengo dos hermanos, perno no tengo ninguna hermana.;
22. Casi nunca voy al cine los sábados;
23. Quiero que te compres un jersey rojo;
24. Bájate del autobús en la tercera parada;
25. Coge un taxi.;
26. Necesito que me hagas un favor;
27. Tienes que tomar una decisión;
28. No quiero que llegues tarde;
29. Ese coche es mío.;
30. Te equivocas. El negro es el tuyo. Ese es rojo y es mío.;
31. Suelo llegar a la oficina antes que mi jefe.;
32. ¿Qué sueles hacer los fines de semana?;
For the questions below, please choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation.
En las siguientes preguntas elige la mejor opción para completar la oración o conversación.
1. When can we meet again?
When are you free?It was two days ago.Can you help me?
2. My aunt is going to stay with me.
How do you do?How long for?How was it?
3. When do you study?
at schoolin the eveningsin the library
4. Would you prefer lemonade or orange juice?
Have you got anything else?If you like.Are you sure about that?
5. Let's have dinner now.
You aren't eating.There aren't any.Tom isn't here yet
6. The snow was ...... heavily when I left the house.
7. I can't find my keys anywhere - I ...... have left them at work.
8. When a car pulled out in front of her, Jane did well not to ...... control of her bicycle.
9. According to Richard's ...... the train leaves at 7 o'clock.
10. When you stay in a country for some time you get used to the people's ...... of life.
11. The builders are ...... good progress with the new house.
12. She is now taking a more positive ...... to her studies and should do well.
13. My father ...... his new car for two weeks now.
has hadhasis havinghad
14. What differences are there ...... the English spoken in the UK and the English spoken in the US?
15. At 6 p.m. I started to get angry with him because he was late ......
as general.typically.usually.
16. ...... you get your father's permission, I'll take you skiing next weekend.
17. A local company has agreed to ...... the school team with football shirts.
18. I really enjoy stories that are ...... in the distant future.
19. That old saucepan will come in ...... when we go camping.
20. Anyone ...... after the start of the play is not allowed in until the interval.
arriveshas arrivedarrivingarrived
21. I didn't ...... driving home in the storm so I stayed overnight in a hotel.
22. The judge said that those prepared to...... in crime must be ready to suffer the consequences.
23. Marianne seemed to take ...... at my comments on her work.
24. You should not have a dog if you are not ...... to look after it.
25. The farmhouse was so isolated that they had to generate their own electricity ......
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