Listening practice A1

  1. What do you put in the black tube? 2. What is the colour of the light on the top of the machine? 3. How long do you need to wait until the machine is ready to use? 4. What is the maximum number of cups that the machine can make? 5. What what colour is the button that will make your coffee stronger?

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Dictado: The Supermarket A1

Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio. 1. ¿Cuántas veces hacen la compra a la semana? 2. ¿De qué tamaño es el supermercado que hay junto a su vivienda? 3. ¿Cuándo compran las cosas pesadas? 4. ¿Qué tipo de alcohol compran para el fin de...

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Dictado: Listening Harrods A1

Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio. 1. Opposite the department store is the . 2. The  is on the second floor.. 3. On the third floor you’ll find the children’s department and the  department. 4. The furniture department is on the  floor. 5. There’s a  on the fifth floor. 6. the department store is open from 9...

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Dictado: Verbos A1

Elige el verbo más adecuado para completar cada frase. 1. Juan – ? –studiesdriveswearsusesgoes podcasts and YouTube to practise English. 2. Sandra – ? –studiesdriveswearsusesgoes running after work. 3. My girlfriend – ? –studiesdriveswearsusesgoes marketing at Madrid University. 4. My brother – ? –studiesdriveswearsusesgoes socks and sandals in the summer! 5. I think Pepito – ? –studiesdriveswearsusesgoes a blue...

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Dictado Blue Air. A1

EJERCICIO 1. What’s the name of the airline company? 2. What time does the plane take off? 3. How long is the flight? 4. What countries does the plane fly over? 5. Which of the following is NOT on the lunch menu? steak fish chicken 6. What is the name of the featured...

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Dictado: a cup of tea A1

Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio.                  EJERCICIO To make a cup of tea, you need a , some tea or a teabag, some , and  and  to taste. First, boil some  and put the teabag in the  or a teapot, if you have one. Pour the boiling water on the teabag and for a few . Take out the teabag and add  and  if you want. Some people like  with their...

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Dictado: Adverbios de frecuencia .A1

  EJERCICIOS Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio.   1. He has tea for breakfast. – ? –verdaderofalso 2. He never reads in bed. – ? –verdaderofalso 3. He hardly ever uses public transport. – ? –verdaderofalso 4. He doesn’t usually eat paella on Sundays. – ? –verdaderofalso 5. On Sundays, he almost always gets up before 8 o’clock. – ? –verdaderofalso 6. He sometimes goes to the cinema on Fridays. – ? –verdaderofalso 7. On Mondays, he never...

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Dictado: Coffe .A1

  EJERCICIO Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio.   Hi! Can I help you? – – ? –No, thanks. How much is that?Sorry, how much?A cappuccino, pleaseLarge, please. And can I have an espresso, please?To have here Regular or large? – – ? –No, thanks. How much is that?Sorry, how much?A cappuccino, pleaseLarge, please. And can I have an espresso, please?To have here For here or to take away? – – ? –No, thanks. How much is that?Sorry, how much?A cappuccino, pleaseLarge, please. And...

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Dictado: professions.A1

  EJERCICIO Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio.   Many of my friends and family have different professions. My dad’s a chauffeur. He  a big expensive car around London and sometimes he famous people. My mum’s a . She works at home and looks after the house and she looks after us! My sister works as a  in a big food factory, and my brother-in-law is a mechanical engineer. He  a lot of money. My friend Graham works for an insurance company and his wife’s a . Another friend of mine, Roger, is a ....

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Dictado: Ned Kelly.A1

  EJERCICIO Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio.   Dear Sir / Madam, I stayed at the Sea View Hotel last  from October 23rd until the 27th. I think I left my  in the hotel room on the  next to the bed. I  in room number  on the 5th floor next to the . Please can you  for it and if you find it, can you phone me on this ? . Thank you very much. Ned...

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Dictado: Breakfast.A1

  EJERCICIO Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio.   A traditional English breakfast is a very  meal. My dad used to have sausages, , bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms and lots of bread and  for breakfast. Now he has a light breakfast, just some toast and jam or marmalade and a cup of . Sometimes he has a glass of . I start my  with a cup of strong Spanish coffee and a bowl of muesli or cereal. I sometimes have some toast with olive oil about   if I’m feeling . What do you have for...

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Dictado:What’s your name? A1

  EJERCICIO Escucha el audio y completa el ejercicio.   1. Hi  Craig. Nice  you. 2.  your ? 3....

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