
134.- Evaluative adjectives.



Positive Evaluative Adjectives In English


  1. First-Rate

Meaning: something that is really really good; at the very very top

We can also use top class.


The hotel I went to last week, was first-rate. It was a four-star hotel, but really the services were first-rate. The room was wonderful and there was an area where I could sit and work.

The service in that restaurant was first-rate.




  1. Spectacular

Meaning: extremely impressive, something eye-catching because it is so beautiful


There was a spectacular view from the rooftop. I know they advertise this as giving you the best view of the city.

Often people call things a spectacle and a spectacle is something grand and something amazing to look at.

  • spectacular view
  • spectacular performance




  1. Stunning

Meaning: something that has a wow factor; extremely impressive or attractive


This outfit is absolutely stunning. Where did you get that? It really suits you.

They’ve decorated the show house really well. It’s stunning. Wonderful kitchen and all the modern conditions that you want.

It could be a stunning view.

When you stand at the top of Niagara Falls and you look down, it was a stunning view at any time I’ve been there.

It could be a stunning performance.

It was just a stunning performance, really something special that I’ve been waiting for and looking forward to for some considerable time.




  1. Clever

Meaning: something nice, something attractive, something interesting, something intelligent

This can be an individual, they can be very clever.

We describe our children as clever. We can describe an idea as very clever.

A new invention can be clever.


One of those gadgets that they have introduced onto the dashboard of the car. You press a button and you think, ‘Oh, that’s really clever.’




  1. Witty

Meaning: something clever and funny, usually a remark or comment


He always says the right thing at the right time. He is so witty. He can play with words in a way that nobody else can.

The book can be witty.

I was surprised by how hilarious this book was. Very witty and sarcastic.

The minister is very witty. He knows when to say things that will give people a little bit of a laugh.





Negative Evaluative Adjectives In English



  1. Amateurish

Meaning: really really poor


That movie was a low budget movie, it was very amateurish. There were lots of mistakes. I really really didn’t enjoy it.

The slides are not in the right order. There are typos on the slides. They haven’t increased the font size. I didn’t think much of that presentation, I thought it was very amateurish.


  1. Predictable

Meaning: something average, boring; there’s no surprise

Example:This actor always plays the same roles. It was so predictable, I couldn’t finish the movie.


  1. Fake

Meaning: not real; not worth looking atExample:It may look like a Van Gogh painting but it’s just a very amateurish attempt to copy him. Somebody might like it because of the colours, but it is definitely fake.The fans thought his performance was fake and not consistent with his image.



  1. Unconvincing

Meaning: something that doesn’t persuade youExample:The jury members found the arguments presented by the prosecution unconvincing. Their victory last Saturday was well-deserved though the performance, in general, was unconvincing.





  1. Wooden

Meaning: awkward and lacking emotionsExample:Reviewers generally blasted the movie, saying the actor’s performance was wooden.The performance of some people, particularly actors, or actresses can be described as wooden by the critics when they review the film or the play because there was no real life in it.Unfortunately, the critics of the movie were not convinced by the performance of the leading actress. They found her performance to be very wooden.

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