
115.- Beside vs Besides.

Beside vs Besides


Beside is a preposition. We usually use it to talk about physical position. It is a more formal version of ‘next to’.

  • There was a book on the table beside him.
  • I sat beside her on the bench.

Besides can be either a preposition or an adverb, and is often used to add information.

  • Besides enjoying reading, she loves riding horses.
  • You should do something else besides playing video games.

As an adverb, it’s often used to add a more important or stronger point

  • I want to go and lie down. Besides, I have a headache.
  • I don’t want to drive now. Besides, it’s really dark.




Beside (with no ‘s’) is a preposition, and we usually use it to talk about physical position.

So you can say: Put the chair beside the table.

Or: Come and sit beside me.

It’s like a more formal version of ‘next to’


Now, besides (with an s) is either a preposition or an adverb, and is often used to add information.

Besides knowing grammar well, you need to have a good vocabulary.

You should do something else besides studying.

Here it’s like ‘as well as’


As an adverb, it’s often used to add a more important or stronger point

I’m going to practise now because I’ve got time and besides, I need to!

It’s like a less-formal version of ‘moreover’

So, besides remembering that beside is for physical position, remember that besides is for adding information.



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