
148.-Before – In front of – Opposite… first

Before – In front of – Opposite…



1) In front of expresses the place  where somebody is standing or waiting: 

ex : I’ll meet you in front of the station at ten. 

Delante /frente a/ 


2) When it enumerates elements from a list = before may then express a place or a time, a moment: en una lista, en una cola quién va delante de… who comes before

ex : Julie’s name is just before mine in the list.

ex : I have number 16… just before you, you have 17 and he has 20!




3) In order to suggest that the scene takes place in the presence of a person representing authority,  before is used: comparecer ante, 

ex : We’re all standing before you,  today to wed this man and this woman in holy matrimony … Estamos ante tí Señor , para unir esta pareja



4) When it means on the other side (of the street or road), and expresses a place, we use  opposite: AL OTRO LADO . Después de opposite NO hay preposición

ex : She was sitting opposite me in the train, and I was struck by her beautiful face …      NO OPPOSITE OF ME   


expression:    Cuando nos enfrentamos a…..

When facing

ex : When facing danger / In the face of danger, he always remains calm. 



                                 OPPOSITE                                                                                   BEFORE                                  

Now, you go !  I’m sure you will know when to use the different expressions…  Go for it, that’s easy!                        

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