




Verbs and activities


Do you feel like+gerundio/ sustantivo?


Do you fancy +gerundio/ sustantivo?


What do you like doing in your free time?

¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?


Do you feel like going for a walk?

¿Te apetece salir a dar un paseo?


  1. To go for + substantive


1.1. singular…

To go for + a(n)+ activity



To go for a picnic, a drink,

To go for a walk= dar un paseo


I´m going to go for a walk with Susan


Go for a run

I went for a drink with Peter yesterday/last night.

Do you feel like going for a drink/walk?


We went for a swim at the beach. Chapuzón a la playa…


We went for a swim at the beach.


1.2. plural.. no article

To go for walks/picnics/

Go for a walk

go for a run

go out for a drink

go out for a meal with friends


Do you feel like going out for /dinner/a meal?

¿Te apetece salir a cenar a algún sitio?


To go + gerund


Usamos go + el gerundio para hablar de muchas actividades de ocio. Ten en cuenta que este go habla más de la actividad, que de ir físicamente a un sitio. Por eso no usa la preposición to.



To go to


3.1. events:

go to a party /

Patty went to a barbecue/

go to concerts /

a festival/

a concert/


3.2. buildings

go to + the cinema/ the theatre/ the opera/ art galleries/ museums/ the gym/

Go to exhibitions


Do you ever go to art galleries?


  1. To go on


a business trip.


a cruise/ make a cruise.


a package holiday.


a guided tour.


a journey


a boat trip/ a trip (or to take a trip)


on boat trips/safari (to go on safari,,, sin “a”)



  1. To do

El verbo do se usa para algunas actividades de ocio, y para muchas actividades prácticas o necesarias.


for things you normally do in a health club, or in a gym

do martial arts / karate / jiu jitsu  = hacer artes marciales etc
do yoga = hacer yoga do judo,

do aerobics,

Do a computer course

do exercise / sport = hacer ejercicio / deporte

do something / nothing = hacer algo / no hacer nada

do some gardening = hacer jardinería
do your homework = hacer tus deberes
do the housework = hacer las tareas domesticas



  1. To play


1.Board games (juegos de mesa), or

  1. sports when a ball is involved, or a
  2. music instrument.


play football / soccer = jugar al futbol (en la USA lo llamamos soccer)


play basketball = jugar al basket


play baseball = jugar al beisbol


play chess = jugar al ajedrez


play a musical instrument = tocar un instrumento


play the guitar / the piano / the drums = tocar la guitarra, el piano, la batería.




Play + football, tennis, chess, basketball, table tennis,


I´m going to play football tomorrow.

Are you going to play chess with Mike?

Do you play tennis a lot?





Te apetece…?

  1. Tomar una copa?

Would you like to ..…

do you feel like having a drink.

salir a tomar una copa

going out for a drink (si estás en casa

ir a tomar una copa? Estás en la oficina.


going for a drink?

Eating out?

Going shopping?


Getting away for the weekend?



Hablando de organizar las vacaciones


Do you feel like travelling abroad?

Do you feel like taking (going on ) a cruise?


Do you feel like going on a guided tour?




√ Get A


get a suntun

√ take A

Take a walk

Take a cruise


Take a rest


Take a trip (Brit Eng. make a trip)

Take a holiday

Take a break

Take an exam





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