
9. Questions with prepositions 1 First Certificate

Questions with prepositions 1



  1. What are you thinking ———-?… how we’ll organise the trip next month.

    2. Who does this book belong  ———-?… it is my sister’s.

    3. What are you looking  ———– ?… my keys, I can’t find them.

    4. What are you looking  ——– ?… the picture of my dog.

    5. Who did you dance  ——– last night ?… no matter, you don’t know him.

    6. Are you afraid  ——- dogs ?… oh no; I like them very much.

    7. Which hotel did you stay  ——— ?… I think it was the only one in that village.

    8. What is your new teacher ———-?… she is young and very nice.

    9. Which hospital is he  ———— ?… the American Hospital, not far from here.

    10. What are you interested  ———– ?… a lot of things, especially English language

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