


  1. Por más que, por mucho que , …aunque….= even though

as much as

As much as you love Peter, you´d better not marry him.

Por mucho que quieras a Peter, mejor será que no te cases con él.


As much as I hate to, I must work this weekend.

Aunque no soporto la idea, tengo que trabajar este fin de semana.


  1. Tanto como….= an equal amount

as much as

Some women can drink as much as men.

Algunas mujeres beben tanto como los hombres.


  1. Tanto como (a) cualquier otro/ Como a cualquiera/Tanto como al  primero ….=

as much as the next guy/

as much as the next man/

as much as the next person.


I like a good cool beer as much as the next man

Una buena cerveza bien fresquita me gusta tanto como a cualquiera.


Aren´t you enjoying the party?

Yes I am….I love having fun as much as the next man, but I have to get up early tomorrow. So… I´m off.


¿No te lo estás pasando bien en la fiesta?

Claro que sí, me gusta pasármelo bien tanto como al primero, pero mañana me tengo que levantar temprano… de manera que  me voy.


  1. Tanto como/del mismo modo/ en igual medida/ ….=

as much as



I love you as much as I love your sister

Me caes igual de bien que tu hermana


I love football  as much as I love tennis.

Me encanta el futbol tanto como el tenis


  1. Casi/ Casi casi ….= almost

as much as



He as much as said that he wanted to leave the company.

Casi llegó a decir que quería dejar la empresa.


She  as much as admitted that she was cheating on her husband.

Casi reconoció que le era infiel a su marido.


  1. Vérselas negras para hacer algo/ pasarlas canutas para conseguir algo ….= to struggle to do something

To be as much as you can do

It was as much as (someone)  could do to



I was so worn out/exhausted/ that it was as much as I could do to stop myself from falling asleep.

Estaba tan tan cansado, que me las vi negras para no quedarme dormido.

Estaba tan agotado que pasé las de Caín para no quedarme dormido.



He  was so drunk that it was as much as he could do to keep himself up.

Iba tan bebido, que a duras penas se mantenía de pie.


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