

FOR and its use


Use ‘for’ properly.  Eso !!! : properly= adecuadamente, como es debido, con propiedad,  como Dios manda.


For is not used  to express the aim (objetivo, finalidad) except if you use it before a noun.

We went to the restaurant for a delicious meal.

In other cases, with a verb, you’ll use the infinitive:

We went to the restaurant to have a delicious meal.

OJO !!!

for+to…. NUNCA.


Para comer con él: Has dicho  for to have lunch with him? xxxx  HORROR


I called Pepe to have lunch with him = Llamé por teléfono a Pepe para comer con él.


En escritos oficiales, cartas , contratos,  se usa “in order to”  que sería un poco como “ a los efectos de” “con el fin de” …”con la finalidad de” … pero en inglés coloquial se omite “in order” quedando solo “to” para indicar finalidad o propósito




For  is used with a verb ending with -ing if it is about the common use of the object. La utilidad o uso de un aparato u objeto.

It is a spoon for eating soup.

(The use of the spoon is specific.)

It is an armchair for relaxing.

(The use of the armchair is specific.)


For is often used  with some phrase structures. Frases hechas…


It is important for me to pass that exam.

It is important for her not to miss her train.



It is unusual for him to get angry.

It is usual for them to get up late on Sundays.


It is difficult for her to learn French.

It is easy for him to travel all around the world, he has a lot of money.



It is too early for them to go to bed.

It is not late enough for them to go to bed.



They arranged for him to meet Jane.

She arranged for her son to go to the USA.



Have you got something for me to drink?

There is not anything for her to do in the office !

There is nothing for me to eat.

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