
63.- Choose the correct preposition (on, at, in). A2

Choose the correct preposition (on, at, in). Some might not need any preposition.  A2.


  1. There was a loud noise which woke us up ______ morning.


  1. Do you usually eat chocolate eggs ___ Easter?


  1. What are you doing ______ the weekend?


  1. ____ last week I worked until 9pm ____ every night.


  1. My father always reads the paper ______ breakfast time. 


  1. She plays tennis ____ Fridays. 


  1. The trees here are very beautiful _____ the spring. 


  1. I’ll see you _____ Tuesday afternoon then.


  1. Shakespeare die ____ 1616.


  1. She studies _____ every day.


  1. John is going to buy the presents _____ today. 


  1. In my hometown, she shops open early ______ the morning. 


  1. She met her husband ____ 1998.


  1. The party is _____ next Saturday. 


  1. We are meeting ____ Friday morning. 


  1. I often get sleepy _____ the afternoon. 


  1. His daughter was born ____ the 24th of August.


  1. Mobile phones became popular _____ the nineties.


  1. Luckily, the weather was perfect ______ her wedding day. 


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