Verbs+ only gerund only infinitive list
Verbs+ only gerund
- to admit
I didn´t admit having done it
Charles admits having done it.
A suicide bomb attack at a busy shopping area in the Turkish city of Istanbul has killed at least four people, officials say.
Three Israelis and an Iranian died, Turkish media reports. Another 36 people were injured in the blast near a government building on Istiklal Street.
No-one has admitted carrying out the attack, the latest in recent months.
- to avoid
I sympathize with people and would tell a white lie to avoid hurting their feelings.
Everyone in her department avoids talking to Lisa, she is ever ready to argue and fight for no reasons at the drop of a hat.
- what kind of guys do you avoid running into?
- I avoided making a fool of myself
- She avoided the stairs and took the elevator instead
- They avoided the disaster by moving away from New Orleans before the hurricane.
- What sports do you avoid to taking part in and why?
- What fish do you avoid (in order) to help the environment?
- What should we avoid (in order) to make sure that we don´t lose money in the stock market?
- I avoided running into her
.- apreciate
- I apreciate having the raise.
- bother… don´t bother going there/ to the museums…
- can´t imagine
- can´t resist
- can´t stand
- can´t help
- consider
- deny
- delay delay coming until the last posible moment.
- mind….. or don´t mind
- enjoy Alfonso
feel like
- finish i´ve just finished writing the report. SIEMPRE EN GERUNDIO… unlike to begin or to start.
13.Give up
- Have trouble
- imagine
- mention
- miss
- Practise
- Report
- Suggest / Recomend
- Spend
- Have trouble = me cuesta , tengo problemas para
23 = fancy
Los verbos más frecuentes que solemos encontrar seguidos del gerundio son: like, love, hate, enjoy, miss, practise, suggest, can’t help, admit, deny, etc.
Aquí encontrarás más ejemplos.
Algunos verbos son siempre seguidos de un gerundio (verbo terminado en -ing).
No pueden ser seguidos por un infinitivo.
Entre este tipo de verbos se encuentran:
admit – anticipate – appreciate – avoid – complete – consider – defend – delay – despise – detest – discuss – dislike – enjoy – escape – excuse – finish – get through – give up – can’t help – imagine – imvolve – keep (on) – mention – (not) mind – miss – postpone – practice – put off – recall – recollect – recommend – report – resent – resume – risk – (can’t) see – suggest – take up – tolerate – understand.
- Some people resent being
- A algunas personas les molesta ser criticadas.
- I don’t mind doingthe dishes.
- No me molesta lavar los platos.
- Claire enjoys livingin Prague.
- Claire disfruta de vivir en Praga.
- Danny and Liz aren’t considering havinga baby.
- Danny y Liz no están pensando en tener un bebé.
- John suggested goingto the mountain for the holidays.
- John /sugirió/propuso/ que fuéramos a la montaña en vacaciones.
- My parents never cosidered movingto another country.
- Mis padres nunca pensaron en mudarse a otro país.
- Kelly has recently given up studying.
- Kelly recientemente dejó de estudiar.
- Phillips has never tolerated beinglate.
- El señor Phillips nunca toleró qué se llegue tarde.
- Brown had postponed travellingto India.
- La señora Brown había postergado viajar a la India.
- Miss Taylor hadn’t finished explainingthe photosynthesis.
- La señorita Taylor no había terminado de explicar la fotosíntesis.
- I would keep on waiting fora better offer.
- Yo seguiría esperando una oferta mejor.
- Grace can’t help laughingwhen she sees that poster.
Grace no puede evitar reírse cuando ve ese poster.
Some expressions in English are followed by gerunds.
For example:
– There’s no point in… – There’s no point in taking the car. We’ll never find a place to park.
– I can’t help… – I can’t help thinking how stupid I was not to do what you suggested in the beginning.
– I can’t stand… – I can’t stand hanging on the phone and listening to stupid music when companies put me on hold.
– Have a problem/Have (some) problems/Have no problem… – I’m afraid I’m having problems understanding your accent.
– It’s no use… – It’s no use asking Simon to give you a lift. His car’s being repaired.
– It’s a waste of time/money… – It’s a waste of money buying mobile phone applications when there are so many good free ones available.
Verbs+ only infinitive
- Afford
- Agree
- Arrange
- Ask
- Attempt
- Choose
- Decide
- Expect
- Hope
- Learn
- Manage
- Pretend=
- Promise =
- Seem
- Want
- Refuse
Verbs+ gerund or infinitive
- to begin
Pecotic began committing crimes early in life and was a ward of the state by age 14
- hate
- like
- love
- Prefer
Jack prefers listening to his MP·3 player than/to listening to the radio
- Start
Acabo de empezar a asistir a clases de yoga.
I’ve just started going to yoga classes.
Empezad a escribir cuando os lo diga.
Start writing when I say so.
¿Podéis empezar a quitar la mesa?
Can you start clearing the table?
No empecé a aprender inglés hasta que tenía 20 años
I didn’t start learning English until I was 20.
El alcalde ha empezado a combatir el fraude fiscal.
The mayor has started fighting tax fraud.
Los británicos tienden a utilizar el gerundio más que el infinitivo mientras que los norteamericanos no tienen preferencia.
Cuando llegamos al parque, empezó a llover.
When we got to the park, it started to rain.
Ella empezó a llorar cuando le conté la noticia.
She started to cry when I told her the news.
Empezamos a tener miedo cuando vimos las medusas.
We started to feel afraid when we saw the jelly fish.
¿Puedes empezar a prestar un poco más de atención, por favor?
Can you start to pay a bit more attention, please?
Él sólo empezará a relajarse después de un par de días de vacaciones.
He’ll only start to relax after a couple of days on holiday.
Él sólo empezará a relajarse después de un par de días de vacaciones.
She started to walk through the market.
Élla comenzó/se puso/ a caminar por el mercado.
- Continue
I´m afraid to fly
I´m afraid of flying
- ·······························
Some verbs can be followed by either the infinitive or –ing form but with different meanings.
Here are some common ones:
- I stopped smoking last month. (I no longer smoke.)
- I stopped to smoke a cigarette. (I stopped what I was doing and had a cigarette.)
- I remember telling him. (A memory of the past.)
- I must remember to tell him. (Something to remember for the future.)
- I’m interested in finding out more details. (Interested about the future.)
- I was interested to read his report. (Interested in the past.)
Cambia de significado según lo que siga
I regret giving my black leather jacket away… me arrepiento de haber dado mi cazadora negra de cuero .
We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected
Lamentamos comunicarle que su solicitud ha sido rechazada.