
52.- To be cut out for. Advanced.

to be cut out for (idiom) ≈ naturally able or suited to do or be (something)

                                              = estar hecho para algo


to be cut out to be or do ≈ naturally able or suited to do or be (something)

           = estar hecho para ser/hacer algo






  1. During the interview she was asked why she thought she was cut out for the job.

Durante la entrevista le preguntaron por qué pensaba que estaba hecha para el puesto.


  1. Ever since she was small she knew that she was cut out for a career in nursing.

Desde que era pequeña, supo que estaba hecha para una carrera en enfermería.


  1. Vivien Leigh knew she was cut out for the part of Scarlett O’Hara in the film “Gone with the Wind”.

Vivien Leigh sabía que estaba hecha para el papel de Scarlett O’Hara en la película “Lo que el viento se llevó”.


  1. The young man was not cut out for a life of sacrifice.

El joven no estaba hecho para una vida de sacrificio.


  1. She was not cut out for a life of drudgery as a maid, preferring to earn her living as a seamstress.

No estaba hecha para una vida de duro trabajo doméstico, prefiriendo ganarse la vida como costurera.


  1. Some people know from early on that they are cut out to be famous in later life.

Algunas personas saben desde muy temprana edad que están hechas para ser famosas en el futuro.


  1. When he was a boy, Igor Oistrakh was told that he was not cut out to be a great violinist.

Cuando era niño, a Igor Oistrakh le dijeron que no estaba hecho para ser un gran violinista.


  1. She thought that she was cut out to be more than just a secretary but in fact the job opened many doors for her.

Pensó que estaba hecha para ser más que una simple secretaria pero de hecho el trabajo le abrió muchas puertas.




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