‘Rather than’ and ‘would rather’.1.
We can use ‘rather’ to compare things. There are two main structures.
- Rather than = more than / instead of. We usually use the infinitive without ‘to’ if we need a verb after ‘than’ here.
- She took a taxi rather than walk in the rain.
- He wants tea rather than coffee.
- Would rather = would prefer. We always use the infinitive without ‘to’ after this. We often shorten ‘would’ to ‘d. We can also use ‘than’ if we want to add another choice.
- A: Do you want to go to a restaurant? B: I would rather go home.
- I’d rather be a doctor than a dentist.
‘I’d rather not’ is also a polite way to say ‘no’. Let’s review! Put in ‘would rather’ or ‘rather than’.
- I ______________________________ go to Scotland than England this year.
- He wants water ______________________________ coke.
- She is going to study maths ______________________________ physics.
- She ______________________________ eat later.
- The children ______________________________ have ice cream.
- We can walk ______________________________ take the car.
- He ______________________________ stay at home today.
- We should do some exercise ______________________________ sit on the sofa all day!
- He eats vegetables ______________________________ meat.
- I _____________________ practise English than watch TV.