Todo sobre “To prove”
to prove ≈ demonstrate, show; verify, check
= probar, demostrar, mostrar; resultar; verificar, comprobar
to prove someone right/wrong ≈ to establish, demonstrate or show that
someone is right/wrong or in the right/wrong; to confirm or
= probar/demostrar que alguien tiene razón o está equivocado;
confirmar o rebatir
to prove one’s point ≈ to demonstrate or show that one is in the right or is
correct; to convince others of one’s point of view
= demostrar o probar que uno está en lo cierto o tiene
razón; hacer a otros comprender el punto de vista de
to prove oneself ≈ to put oneself to the test
= probarse a uno mismo, ponerse a prueba
to prove to oneself ≈ to demonstrate or show what one is worth or capable
of doing
= demostrar lo que uno vale o lo que uno es capaz de
to prove one’s mettle ≈ to show what one is made of
= demostrar el temple de uno
proven ≈ that has been proved, shown to be successful
= lo que se ha demostrado, verificado; lo que se ha demostrado que
tiene éxito
It is the exception that proves the rule = La excepción confirma la regla
Prove thy friend ere thou hast need = Pon tu amigo a prueba antes de necesi-
fend and prove = defenderse y demostrar
to prove ≈ demonstrate, show
- The police could not prove that he had taken part in the crime and had to release him.
La policía no pudo probar que había participado en el delito y tuvo que soltarle.
- The advice was to prove invaluable when they found themselves stuck in the middle of nowhere.
El consejo resultó ser valiosísimo cuando se encontraban atrapados en medio de la nada.
- If not treated in time, the condition can prove fatal.
Si no se trata a tiempo, la afección puede resultar fatal.
- The lawyer for the defence had sufficient evidence to prove all the facts of the case.
El abogado de la defensa tenía pruebas suficientes para verificar todos los hechos del caso.
to prove (someone) right/wrong ≈ to establish, demonstrate or show that
someone is right/wrong or in the right/
wrong; to confirm or refute
- They all said that we would fail but we proved them wrong.
Todos dijeron que fracasaríamos, pero les demostramos que estaban equivocados.
- You’re wrong and I can prove it.
Estás equivocado y puedo probarlo.
- In spite of his clear line of reasoning, the other members of the club were not convinced and he failed to prove that they were in the wrong.
A pesar de sus claros razonamientos, los otros miembros del club no estaban convencidos y él no logró demostrar que estaban equivocados.
- When you try to prove someone is right there’s no progress and there’s certainly no progress when trying to prove someone is wrong!
Cuando intentas demostrar que alguien tiene razón, no hay progreso y ciertamente no hay progreso cuando se trata de demostrar que alguien está equivocado.
to prove one’s point ≈ to demonstrate or show that one is in the right or is
correct; to convince others of one’s point of view
- She hoped to prove her point but failed to come up with convincing arguments.
Esperaba hacerles comprender su punto de vista pero no logró presentar argumentos convincentes.
- In her endeavours to prove her point she failed to acknowledge her own shortcomings.
En sus esfuerzos por probar que estaba en lo cierto, no reconoció sus propios defectos.
- You are probably right but you are going to find it hard to prove your point and convince the others.
Probablemente tengas razón, pero te va a ser difícil probarlo y convencer a los demás.
- Sometimes it’s better not to try to prove your point but to be more open to other opinions.
A veces es mejor no intentar demostrar su punto de vista, sino estar más abierto a otras opiniones.
to prove oneself ≈ to put oneself to the test; demonstrate what one is
capable of
- You don’t need to prove yourself. We all know that you’re an excellent tennis player.
No necesitas demostrar tu valía. Todos sabemos que eres un excelente jugador de tenis.
- In previous centuries boys in aristocratic families were expected to prove themselves capable of excelling at everything from the usual three R’s to classical and modern languages, fencing, riding, etc. and were severely punished when they failed.
En siglos anteriores, los niños de familias aristocráticas tenían que demostrar ser capaces de sobresalir en todo, desde las habituales tres R hasta los idiomas clásicos y modernos, esgrima, montar a caballo, etc., y eran severamente castigados cuando fallaban.
- His parents had little confidence in his abilities so he decided to prove himself by setting up his own business.
Sus padres tenían poca confianza en sus habilidades, por lo que decidió demostrar su valía montando su propio negocio.
- People who take part in competitive sports have to prove themselves, time and time again.
Las personas que participan en deportes competitivos tienen que demostrar su valía una y otra vez.
to prove to oneself ≈ to demonstrate to or convince oneself
- She wants to prove to herself that she can still obtain and hold down a job.
Quiere demostrar a si misma que aún puede conseguir y mantener un puesto de trabajo.
- What do I need to do to prove to myself that I’m not entirely useless?
¿Qué tengo que hacer para demostrarme a mi mismo que no soy del todo inútil?
- The two friends took part in a marathon because they wanted to prove to themselves that they could do it.
Los dos amigos participaron en una maratón porque querían demostrarse a sí mismos que eran capaces de hacerlo.
- He trained very hard every day because he wanted to prove to himself that he could reach the finals.
Entrenaba muy duro todos los días porque quería demostrarse a sí mismo que era capaz de llegar a los finales.
to prove one’s mettle ≈ to show what one is made of
- Nobody held out much hope for him but he quickly proved his mettle.
Nadie tenía mucha confianza en él, pero pronto demostró su valía.
- Many a bullfighter has shown his mettle in the bullring.
Muchos toreros han demostrado su temple en la plaza de toros.
- Prince Charles was expected to prove his mettle at Gordonstoun but failed miserably.
Se esperaba que el príncipe Carlos demostrara su valía en Gordonstoun, pero fracasó estrepitosamente.
- The bullies forced him to prove his mettle by climbing into the dormitory window after lights out.
Los matones le obligaron a demostrar su valía trepando por la ventana al dormitorio después de que se apagaran las luces.
proven ≈ that has been proved, shown to be successful
- In spite of our misgivings, the play has proven to be a great success.
A pesar de nuestros recelos, la obra ha demostrado ser un gran éxito.
- The ideal candidate will have proven experience in managing an R&D&I department.
El candidato ideal tendrá experiencia demostrada en la gestión de un departamento de I+D+i.
- A person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Una persona acusada de un delito se presume inocente hasta que se pruebe su culpabilidad.
- Intermittent fasting has several proven benefits.
El ayuno intermitente tiene diversos beneficios comprobados.