
47.- Todo sobre “resent”. Advanced English. C1-C2.

Todo sobre “resent”. Advanced English. C1-C2.



1- To resent (somebody) ≈


to feel injured or insulted by an act, to be aggrieved

at, to feel bitterness or indignation towards

a person; to begrudge = ofenderse por, sentir animosidad hacia, molestarse por , tomarse a mal


2- To resent (something) ≈   to feel something as a cause of depression or

                                       sorrow; to feel deeply or sharply

                                 = ofenderse por, tomar a mal, molestarse


3- To resent + gerund


4- resentful ≈      to feel full of or inspired by resentment; bitter, aggrieved,


                = molesto, resentido, ofendido por, agraviado por


5- resentment ≈       an indignant sense of injury or insult received or perceived,                           

 a sense of grievance, bitterness or anger against a person or thing

= resentimiento; animosidad contra alguien o algo a consecuencia de una ofensa sufrida o percibida





To resent somebody = ofenderse por, sentir animosidad hacia, molestarse

                                    tomarse a mal


  1. The assistant resented his boss because, instead of praising his hard work, he always ridiculed him in front of the other directors.

El ayudante estaba molesto con su jefe porque siempre lo ridiculizaba ante los otros directores en lugar de elogiar sus esfuerzos.


  1. The eldest son had a stutter because he grew up resenting his young brother, who was their mother’s favourite.

El hijo mayor tartamudeaba porque creció con resentimiento hacia su hermano menor, que era el favorito de la madre.


  1. Children in large families quite often resent their older or younger siblings because of perceived favouritism or injustices.

Los niños de familias numerosas a menudo sienten animosidad hacia sus hermanos mayores o menores debido a que perciben favoritismos o injusticias.


  1. The prima ballerina resented the new dancer because of her sudden rise to fame.

El repentino ascenso de la nueva bailarina molestaba a la primera bailarina.


  1. The experienced nurse resented the young doctor’s interference in the case because, rightly or wrongly, she considered that she knew best.

La enfermera experimentada tomaba a mal la injerencia del joven médico en el caso porque, con razón o sin ella, consideraba que sabía más.



To resent something = ofenderse por, tomar a mal, molestarse, protestar


  1. David resented being ticked off by his father because he considered that his sister was the real culprit but she always got away with everything.

A David le molestaba que su padre le regañara porque consideraba que su hermana era la verdadera culpable, pero ella siempre se salía con la suya.


  1. She deeply resented the insinuation that she was only interested in the money.

La insinuación de que solo le interesaba el dinero le molestaba profundamente.


  1. A growing number of people resent the EU’s interference in matters that should be treated as strictly private.

Un número creciente de personas toman a mal la injerencia de la UE en asuntos que deberían tratarse como estrictamente privados.


  1. The grandparents didn’t resent being left behind because there was no room in the car. In fact, they were pleased to have some peace and quiet for a change.

A los abuelos no les molestaba que los dejasen en casa porque no había espacio en el coche. De hecho, estaban contentos de tener algo de paz y tranquilidad para variar.


  1. The teacher resents the lack of respect shown by some of her pupils’ parents but has to put up with it.

A la profesora le ofende la falta de respeto de algunos de los padres de sus alumnos, pero no tiene más remedio que aguantarlo.



To resent + gerund


  1. For a long time he resented having to work such long hours.

Durante mucho tiempo le molestaba tener que trabajar jornadas tan largas.


  1. Peter resented being told off in class when he wasn’t the only boy misbehaving.

A Peter le molestaba que lo regañaran en clase cuando no era el único chico que se portaba mal.


  1. She resented his taking all the decisions without consulting her first.

A ella le molestaba que él tomara todas las decisiones sin consultarla primero.


  1. She resented him for taking all the decisions without consulting her first.

A ella le molestaba que él tomara todas las decisiones sin consultarla primero.


  1. She resented having to do all the work by herself, with no help from anybody.

Le molestaba tener que hacer todo el trabajo sola, sin ayuda de nadie.



resentful = molesto, resentido, ofendido, agraviado


  1. She was rather resentful of her colleague’s pay rise but at the same time she had to admit that he deserved it.

Estaba bastante molesta por el aumento de sueldo de su colega, pero al mismo tiempo tenía que admitir que se lo merecía.


  1. He was resentful of the unfair comments made by his jealous brother but decided to keep quiet.

Estaba ofendido por los comentarios injustos hechos por su hermano celoso, pero decidió callarse.


  1. The uncle was resentful of his nephew’s success.

El tío estaba resentido por el éxito de su sobrino.


  1. Mrs. Danvers was very resentful of Max De Winter’s new wife.

La señora Danvers estaba muy molesta con la nueva esposa de Max De Winter.


  1. Pedro was resentful of his mother’s new boyfriend and was very rude to him.

Pedro se sentía molesto con el nuevo amigo de su madre y fue muy grosero con él.



resentment = resentimiento


  1. Resentment held against somebody can quite often lead to terrible acts of treason or revenge.

El resentimiento contra alguien en ocasiones puede conducir a terribles actos de traición o venganza.


  1. What is resentment but a negative emotional reaction to being mistreated or wronged by another person?

¿Qué es el resentimiento sino una reacción emocional negativa al ser maltratado o agraviado por otra persona?


  1. William harbours a deep resentment against his father for his deprived childhood.

William alberga un profundo resentimiento contra su padre por su infancia privada.


  1. Feelings of resentment were voiced by those who had been left behind to wait for the next bus.

Los que se habían quedado atrás para esperar el próximo autobús expresaron sentimientos de resentimiento.


  1. His friend’s success with the girls filled him with resentment.

El éxito de su amigo con las chicas lo llenó de resentimiento.

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