
43.- To be crammed. Advanced

To be crammed. Advanced



To cram » to fill a space or receptacle completely, particularly by

                       force or compression; to overfill; to feed to excess

                   = atestar, abarrotar, atiborrar


To be crammed with » to be filled in excess with something

                                            = estar abarrotado de, estar lleno de


To be crammed into » to be put into a small space, to be tightly

                                               packed into a small space

                                            = estar embutido en





To be crammed with


  1. The carriages were crammed with people including grandparents and small children and many of them did not survive the terrible journey.

Los vagones estaban abarrotados de personas, incluidos abuelos y niños pequeños, y muchas no sobrevivieron al terrible viaje.


  1. The antique shop was crammed with old furniture and knick-knacks that nobody wanted.

La tienda de antigüedades estaba abarrotada de muebles viejos y baratijas que nadie quería.


  1. Her mother told her that her head was crammed with silly ideas and that she should concentrate on her studies.

Su madre le dijo que tenía la cabeza llena de ideas tontas y que debería concentrarse en sus estudios.


  1. The kennels in the animal refuge home were so crammed with dogs that they could not take in any more strays.

Las perreras en el refugio de animales estaban tan abarrotadas de perros que no podían admitir más perros callejeros.


  1. His stomach was so crammed with food that he could hardly breathe and had to lie down.

Su estómago estaba tan lleno de comida que apenas podía respirar y tuvo que acostarse.



To be crammed into


  1. So many supporters were crammed into the football ground that a lot of them could not find a seat and had to stand.

Tantos aficionados estaban apiñados en el campo de fútbol que muchos de ellos no pudieron encontrar un asiento y tuvieron que quedarse de pie.


  1. Some of the prisons in Venezuela have so many political prisoners crammed into them that they cannot even sit or lie down.

Algunas de las cárceles de Venezuela están tan abarrotadas de presos políticos que éstos ni siquiera pueden sentarse o acostarse.


  1. She had so many books crammed into her bookcase that there was no room for any more.

Tenía tantos libros amontonados en su librería que ya no había espacio para más.



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