
42.- To be swarming with . Advanced

To be swarming with . Advanced


To swarm » to gather together in large numbers (especially

small flying or crawling creatures, i.e. flies, bees,

wasps, ants, cockroaches, etc.); also used in

connection with large numbers of people or children

gathered together or moving about in a mass

= enjambrar, hormiguear, apiñarse, pulular


To be swarming with » to be full of a mass of flying or crawling

creatures or people/children milling

about together

= estar plagado de, estar lleno de, estar repleto de..





  1. The meat was swarming with bluebottles and had to be thrown away.

La carne estaba plagada de moscardones y hubo que tirarla.


  1. The kitchen was dirty and swarming with ants.

La cocina estaba sucia y llena de hormigas.


  1. The lights on the balcony were swarming with mosquitoes and the guests had to go inside to avoid being bitten.

Las luces de la terraza estaban plagadas de mosquitos y los invitados tuvieron que retirarse para evitar ser picados.


  1. The esplanade in front of Buckingham Palace was swarming with people hoping to catch a glimpse of the Queen at her 90th birthday celebrations.

La explanada delante del Palacio de Buckingham estaba repleta de personas que deseaban poder ver a la Reina en las celebraciones de su 90 cumpleaños.


  1. The space in front of the department store was swarming with excited children waiting for Father Christmas to arrive.

El espacio frente a los grandes almacenes estaba repleto de niños emocionados esperando la llegada de Papá Noel.



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