To be riddled with. Advanced.
To riddle » to pass something through a “riddle” (old English for a type of mesh or sieve used to separate corn from chaff); to make a lot of holes
= cribar, pasar por una criba o escogedor, acribillar
To be riddled with » to be full of holes or an insect or other
creature or thing that makes these holes, i.e.
worms, moths, bullets; to be infested with
= estar plagado de, estar lleno de, estar
acribillado con/ de
- The window frames are riddled with woodworm.
Los marcos de las ventanas están plagados de carcoma.
- He didn’t look after his jumpers and in the autumn he found them riddled with moth holes.
No cuidaba sus jerséis y en el otoño los encontró llenos de agujeros de las polillas.
- Children’s hair is often riddled with nits.
Frecuentemente el cabello de los niños está plagado de liendres.
- When the battle was over, a lot of soldiers were left dying on the battlefield riddled with bullets.
Cuando terminó la batalla, muchos soldados se quedaban muriéndose en el campo de batalla acribillados a balazos.
- In the sixties the Ford Factory in Dagenham was riddled with communists.
En los años sesenta la Factoría Ford en Dagenham estaba plagada de comunistas.