
40.-To learn. Advanced.

To learn. Advanced.

To learn of = enterarse de

to learn about = aprender sobre

to learn that = saber que



  1. Princess Elizabeth learned of her father’s death, which meant that she would become queen of England, while in Kenya during a tour of the Commonwealth.

La princesa Isabel se enteró de la muerte de su padre, lo que significaba que sería reina de Inglaterra, en Kenia mientras ella y su marido estaban de gira por la Commonwealth.


  1. The famous film star learned of her husband’s infidelities from an article in Hello.

La famosa estrella de cine se enteró de las infidelidades de su marido por un artículo en Hola.


  1. They learned a lot about orthodox Jews during their visit to Israel.

Aprendieron mucho sobre los judíos ortodoxos durante su visita a Israel.


  1. The translator learned a lot about the workings of Spain’s association for the blind during the many years he worked for them.

El traductor aprendió mucho sobre el funcionamiento de la ONCE durante los muchos años que trabajó para ellos.


  1. He was very sorry to learn that his best friend had had a bad car accident.

Lamentó mucho saber que su mejor amigo había sufrido un grave accidente automovilístico.


  1. The children were delighted to learn that they were going to the cinema that afternoon.

Los niños estaban encantados de saber que esa tarde irían al cine.



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