To relinquish . Advanced
= renunciar, abandonar, dimitir de, ceder
- She had to relinquish her busy social life in order to take care of her new baby.
Tuvo que renunciar a su ajetreada vida social para poder cuidar a su nuevo bebé.
- Due to numerous accusations of corruption, the MP had to relinquish his seat in parliament.
Debido a numerosas acusaciones de corrupción, el miembro del parlamento tuvo que renunciar a su escaño.
- The king relinquished his throne in favour of his son.
El rey cedió su trono a favor de su hijo.
to relish + to relinquish
- The CEO did not relish having to relinquish his post just because the last two quarters’ results were unpromising.
Al director general no le agradaba tener que dimitir de su puesto solo porque los resultados de la empresa fueron poco prometedores durante dos trimestres consecutivos.
- The goalkeeper did not relish having to relinquish his place on the Spanish team because of his poor health.
Al portero no le agradaba tener que renunciar a su puesto en la selección española debido a su mala salud.
- The reporter was very tired of always being assigned to war zones and relished the idea of relinquishing his job and retiring to his village.
El reportero estaba muy cansado de que siempre le asignaran a zonas de guerra y disfrutaba con la idea de renunciar a su trabajo y retirarse a su pueblo.