25.- To go over = revisar (a fondo). Advanced


To go over = revisar (a fondo). Advanced



  1. The accountant had to go over the accounts several times until he discovered the error.

El contable tuvo que revisar las cuentas varias veces hasta que descubrió el error.


  1. The young man went over the conversation he had had with his fiancée to find out why they had ended up arguing.

El joven repasó la conversación que había tenido con su novia para averiguar porqué terminaron discutiendo.


  1. The student decided to go over his notes the night before the exam just in case.

El estudiante decidió revisar sus apuntes la noche anterior al examen, por si acaso.


  1. The driver went over the route they were going to take to make sure they wouldn’t get lost.

El conductor revisó la ruta que iban a tomar para asegurarse de que no se perderían.


  1. The queen went over her speech to the people several times before recording it for television.

La reina repasó varias veces su discurso a la gente antes de grabarlo para la televisión.


  1. Before going to the supermarket, the mother went over her shopping list to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything.

Antes de ir al supermercado, la madre revisó su lista de la compra para asegurarse de que no (se) había olvidado (de) nada.



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Luis Vives, 10
Espacio THEMAN
L9 Cruz del rayo
L4 Prosperidad