181.- Vibe. PROFESOR.


Do you like feeling chilled? Or hanging out with people who are relaxed? Well, if you want to say something has a good aura, we have an expression you can use.


Welcome to The English We Speak with me, Jiaying…

… and me, Roy. What are you doing? You look really relaxed! Shouldn’t you be working?

I am working! I’m just enjoying the chilled vibe of working from home!

Chilled vibe? Is that some kind of juice?

No, Roy! We use the expression ‘vibe’ to talk about the mood of or a feeling you get from a place or person. If something or someone has a good vibe, then it means that they are cool.

Ahh for example, that online concert we went to had a really good vibe!

Yes, now you’re getting it!

Yeah – you can listen to calming music or play a game to relax – things that have a good vibe!

Exactly – we can talk about how to improve our vibe after these examples.


Derek has such a good vibe! Everyone who speaks with him just feels so chilled out!

That place has got a really bad vibe. When I walk into the building, I get really anxious and stressed.

I’m so happy after watching that film. It was such a nice story and had a really chilled vibe!

You’re listening to The English We Speak from BBC Learning English, and we’re talking about the expression ‘vibe’ which means atmosphere, also referred to as an aura. You can also ask for a ‘vibe check’ if you want to know if something or someone has a good vibe. So, Roy – what sort of things can you do to improve your mood and vibe?

Well, like I said, watching films or listening to music that chills you out can help. Or, speaking to people who have a good vibe! I also try to avoid things that have a bad vibe! For me, I like to try and improve myself every day!

What, like exercising or reading a book?

Exactly – I try to go to bed every day better than when I woke up by learning something new. An improved Roy every day, and that vibe can affect other people too! It’s especially important for me to think this way after a year like this!

I agree! So, can I get a vibe check? How are you feeling, Roy?

I’m feeling chilled out! I’ve got a good vibe!

You certainly do! Bye, Roy.


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