Prior to + gerund = antes de. Advanced
- Antes de ir a la escuela, la estudiante tuvo que sacar a su perro a pasear.
Prior to going to school, the student had to take her dog out for a walk.
- Antes de cenar, los niños tuvieron que terminar sus deberes.
Prior to having supper, the children had to finish their homework.
- Antes de celebrar las elecciones, muchos políticos hicieron promesas que no tenían intención de cumplir.
Prior to holding the elections, numerous politicians made promises they had no intention of keeping.
- Antes de irse de vacaciones, la joven dedicó mucho tiempo a preparar su maleta.
Prior to going on holiday, the young woman spent a long time preparing her case.
- Antes de apagar el ordenador verifique que todos los archivos hayan sido guardados.
Prior to turning off the computer, check that all the files have been saved.
- Antes de gastar tanto dinero, los padres se aseguraron de haber elegido el coche idóneo para la familia.
Prior to spending so much money, the parents made sure they had chosen the right car for the family.
- Antes de ir al cine, los chicos decidieron compartir una hamburguesa con patatas fritas.
Prior to going to the cinema, the kids decided to share a hamburger and chips.