
15.-To prevent from = evitar que, prevenir que no…, Advanced

To prevent from = evitar que, prevenir que no…, Advanced




  1. Intentaron evitar que ocurriera el accidente.

They tried to prevent the accident from happening.



  1. Tuvieron suerte y evitaron que el ladrón entrara en la casa.

They were lucky and prevented the burglar from entering the house.



  1. La crema solar es para evitar que la piel se queme.

Sun cream is for preventing the skin from burning.



  1. En invierno se necesitan guantes para evitar que las manos se congelen.

In winter gloves are needed to prevent the hands from getting frostbite.



  1. Se levantó una barrera para evitar que el río se desbordara.

A barrier was put up to prevent the river from overflowing.



  1. Ella usaba una buena crema facial cada día para evitar que su cara se arrugara.

She used a good face cream every day to prevent her face from getting wrinkles.



  1. Apagó el horno para evitar que la tarta se quemara.

She turned the oven off to prevent the cake from burning.



  1. Tuvo fiebre y se acostó para evitar que el resfriado empeorara.

She had a temperature and went to bed to prevent the cold from getting worse.









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