14.Verbs followed by gerund or infinitive 1 First Certificate

  1. I don´t want………… that much for a car.   (pay)



  1. Does anyone feel like……….. for a drink? (go)


  1. He suggested ………… monthly (pay)


  1. We agreed………. him on Monday. (see)


  1. I miss……….. time with my kids . (spend)


  1. She promissed …..……. the first draft of my book (read)



  1. We put off…………..them until next week. (see)



  1. You refused ………….for the damage (pay)



  1. She finished……….. the papers. (read)



  1. I offered…………….dinner for you. (make)



  1. She spent a lot of time……….lunch. (make)



  1. I decided ……..to Portugal for the summer. (go)




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Espacio THEMAN
L9 Cruz del rayo
L4 Prosperidad