

Cuando queremos indicar de cuántas partes está compuesto algo, el número antecede a la parte (el componente) que, a su vez, antecede al todo (el sustantivo principal). Como el componente (por ejemplo “point” en el título) se está comportando como adjetivo NO LO PLURALIZAMOS.

No cedas a la tentación. Por muy elevado que sea el número, el primer sustantivo no lleva “s”. El segundo, siendo el sustantivo principal, sí puede ir en plural.

A subscriber recently wrote in with a question that’s a good followup to last week’s Tip of the Week, Writing Numbers:

“When are hyphens used with numbers? Is it 13 feet or 13-feet; 12 hours or 12-hours?”

Rule: Generally, hyphenate between two or more adjectives when they come before a noun and act as a single idea.

This rule can also be applied when a number and a measurement unit taken together form an adjective, that is, when they describe another object.


A 22-inch monitor is too big for my desk.

Nurses work 12-hour shifts.

Anthony swung his five-pound hammer.

In the previous sentences, the measurements, such as 22-inch, describe specific objects, such as monitor.

When measurements are not acting as adjectives, hyphens are not needed.


Suzanne won the race by 25 yards.

Twelve hours later, she was exhausted.

Anthony’s hammer weighs five pounds.


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