Cuando queremos indicar de cuántas partes está compuesto algo, el número antecede a la parte (el componente) que, a su vez, antecede al todo (el sustantivo principal). Como el componente (por ejemplo “point” en el título) se está comportando como adjetivo NO LO PLURALIZAMOS. No cedas a la tentación. Por muy elevado que sea el número, el primer sustantivo no lleva “s”. El segundo, siendo el sustantivo principal, sí puede ir en plural. A subscriber recently wrote in with a question that’s a good followup to last week’s Tip of the Week, Writing Numbers: “When are hyphens used with numbers? Is it 13 feet or 13-feet; 12 hours or 12-hours?” Rule: Generally, hyphenate between two or more adjectives when they come before a noun and act as a single idea. This rule can also be applied when a number and a measurement unit taken together form an adjective, that is, when they describe another object. Examples: A 22-inch monitor is too big for my desk. Nurses work 12-hour shifts. Anthony swung his five-pound hammer. In the previous sentences, the measurements, such as 22-inch, describe specific objects, such as monitor. When measurements are not acting as adjectives, hyphens are not needed. Examples: Suzanne won the race by 25 yards. Twelve hours later, she was exhausted. Anthony’s hammer weighs five pounds.
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