
1.-Diferencias de uso: Earn VS Win VS Gain VS Beat.B1



– Significa “ganar”

– Se asocia a un beneficio que obtenemos (generalmente económico) a cambio de nuestra trabajo o esfuerzo. Así podemos “ganr un sueldo, respeto, reconocimiento, adminción, etc.”

-You earn reputation by trying to do hard thing well.

-How much will you earnper month in your new job?

Se asocia al juego a la competición (”vencer”), por lo que tiene el sentido de ganar “prmios, apuestas, eventos deportivos, competiciones,batallas, etc.”

Win se centra en la consecución de un premio, logro, dentro de una competición o de algo al azar.

– Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.

– Football is a simple game.

Twenty-Two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win.

 Brad Pitt won an oscar award last year.


Who won the Nobel Peace Price this year?


She won €500 in the lottery

Se asocia principalmente a “engordar” (ganar peso) o tambien a otros conceptos que supongan el incremento de algo, como ganar experiencia, tiempo, ventaja. Pero no se emplea con el concepto de “ganar dinero”

– You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience.

– I´m constantly gaining weight and losing it again.

Ganamos a… We beat, batimos derrotamos a

To beat = to defeat= derrotar

We beat our main rival in the final and won the cup. Ganamos a nuestro principal rival en la final y ganamos la copa.

We can´t beat someone without defeating him

Defeat derrotar, ganar

Irreg verb

Rafa Nadal beat Federer at tennis

My brother always beats me at chess

Did you beat him in the race?

Can you beat this English point?

We beat that team last month yeah!!!

We always beat them. they´re terrible…

To beat someone= vencer a alguien.

We beat them last year.

Now let´s see the results from this team.

Sally beat me… she´s so lazy and she beat me… and Lewis beat me

I can´t believe it

I beat the other runners and I won the race


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